It's been an eventful week. At 5:30 am, Thanksgiving day, Greg untied our docklines and along with Jennifer, waved good-bye. We'll miss the great community of friends on Berkeley's G & F dock. We arrived in Half Moon Bay in the early afternoon and before dropping anchor, we were invited to a warm turkey dinner on Kayak, a cruising boat from Alaska.
The next day, the engine didn't start and if that weren't enough, we found out the hard way that the newly installed hoses in the head leaked. While Alex gallantly re-caulked the hoses, I did the only reasonable thing, got out the banjo and wrote a little song about stinky poo.
The engine wouldn't start the morning we left for Monterey Bay, but 10-15 knot winds were predicted, so we figured we'd just sail to Santa Cruz where we could find parts and tools. The winds however, didn't cooperate and we essentially bobbed along for two days, thankful that the current and the little wind we did have was in our favor. I looked up from my pillow in the wee hours of the last morning and found Alex keeping himself warm by paddling the boat, which he claims increased our speed by a full knot. We spent two nights anchored off of Santa Cruz's boardwalk, and then and then a couple of nights with friends, Wendy & Larry, who provided us with good company, warm showers, and a decadent chocolate birthday cake for my 35th. We also had a nice visit from Muriel, who shared stories from her own seagoing days, and gave us a guest book for the boat.
The engine is working again, so we're going to Monterey this afternoon, to wait out a series of storms heading this way.